Hello All,
Well I just recently got my 10 meter repeater going, and have discover that I need to separate the transmit and receive antennas. The specs on my equipment  is a GE MastrII, with the NHRC-3/M2 Controller both transmit and receive is in this unit. Sorry if I sound a little dumb on the repeater subject!!! I'll admit it now. Is there a such thing as a duplexer for 10 meters?? that would allow me to use just one antenna? I was scamed by some amateur radio on him selling me a duplexer for 10 meters guess what it wasn't for 10. I really need help!!!
What is the ramification on a remote base cost and such and equipment... Any and all appreciated thanks,
Remember I'm Repeater dumb here, I know APRS Digipeaters I have several of those online.
James Smith K9APR


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