> Give us an idea of what you have.  Repeaters use lots of stuff, nuts, 
> bolts, connectors, duplexers, power supplys, etc, hi.

Yes, all of that, plus a lot more.

> You might find some will buy what you have and get plenty of money to 
> buy not only what rigs some have, but what you want, new in the box 
> with warranty from AES or HRO, etc.  

I have a trade set up with someone, so I'm covered on the UHF rig.  I just
wanted something basic to set up at a tower site that I'm at on a regular
> When it comes to repeater stuff Hams will pay for it no matter how 
> old.  

Really?  You've met hams that will pay good money?  Is this on a different
planet or plane of existance or something?  ;-) ;-) ;-)

> Repeater stuff never goes out of style unlike most Ham rigs.

Kind of like wing tips, single-malt scotch, and tall blondes.


                                                --- Jeff

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