--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, Paul Metzger
> I don't know about IOTA switching supplies, but my Newmar PM-12-70  
> switching supply causes birdies all through my HF gear here at home.  
> I also used a bank of five brand new 12V batteries tied to a Vector  
> VEC1093A battery charger instead of the Newmar, and that charger as  
> well is a switcher that also caused birdies all through my HF gear. I  
> should have kept my old 70 Ampere non switching supply. Oh well, a  
> lesson learned.
> Paul Metzger

Paul - I cant speak to the switchers that you mentioned above but the
IOTA's are very well designed and some of the fellas I know that have
used them & the older Todd switching supplies to power there HF
equipment have never had a problem with them causing birdies. Heck,
alot of HF gear now a days has switching supplies some of which are
built in as an option. Many repeaters that I am aware of have
switching supplies powering them. This is not as uncommon as you make
it sound......dan n2aym

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