Does your coordinator have the access info to try it for themselves?

What are they basing the decoordination on? Not on the air?

Joe M.

Coy Hilton wrote:
> HI Gang
>  I have had one of my 2 meter repeaters coordinated as a closed
> repeater for at least two years. Three times last year I was sent a
> email asking if the repeater was on the air and three times I
> answered "yes" each time.  I had even had a on going discussion about
> having multiple transmitters on the same pair coordinated. I was never
> asked to prove the repeater existed or even to "prove it" in any other
> way. They are trying to de-coordinate me on this pair using this
> reason. when it has been coordinated as a CLOSED machine for 2 years.
> My question to you is have any of you guys have ever heard of having a
> repeater coordination recinded because of this. I know that the FCC
> rules say that Closed repeaters are allowed and the coordinators will
> allow coordinating a repeater as closed. I'm looking for further
> replies or suggestions as how to handle this.
> The local director and vice-director are actually the ones behind this.
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