
Repeater coordination is important.  However, the ones often doing it 
don't know much...they like the title, but not the work and many do 
not even own or operate a repeater.

Here in Florida we do have a good coordinating council, but they 
often get into the mode of making rules that apply to all.  My only 
real problem is they make decissions among them selves without 
allowing the repeater owners/trustees vote.

I would respond to your council you have and state you have notified 
them on atleast 3 occations the repeater is on the air and that you 
are willing to demostrate it to them...while they are on the phone 
bring it up and if possible make a contact.  If they continue to take 
action to de-coordinate I would threaten with legal action.  I am 
sick of all the suing going on in our country, but sometimes it is 
required.  They coordinated you so they have to live with it.  If 
this had been an issue it should have been addressed initially.

Most often a good council only wants say your CTCSS tone so another 
repeater on the same pair does not use it.  Here in Florida the 
council has posted standard tones for each region and most follow 
it.  The only real problem one region was given 100 Hz, kinda the 
standard for CTCSSng a repeater without closing it...of course these 
days if you want to close a repeater don't use CTCSS, use non-
standard methode or DCS, but most rigs now come with DCS, but dought 
if most Hams know of it and how to program it in their rigs, hi.

73, ron, n9ee/r

> Coy Hilton wrote:
> > 
> > HI Gang
> >  I have had one of my 2 meter repeaters coordinated as a closed
> > repeater for at least two years. Three times last year I was sent 
> > email asking if the repeater was on the air and three times I
> > answered "yes" each time.  I had even had a on going discussion 
> > having multiple transmitters on the same pair coordinated. I was 
> > asked to prove the repeater existed or even to "prove it" in any 
> > way. They are trying to de-coordinate me on this pair using this
> > reason. when it has been coordinated as a CLOSED machine for 2 
> > 
> > My question to you is have any of you guys have ever heard of 
having a
> > repeater coordination recinded because of this. I know that the 
> > rules say that Closed repeaters are allowed and the coordinators 
> > allow coordinating a repeater as closed. I'm looking for further
> > replies or suggestions as how to handle this.
> > 
> > The local director and vice-director are actually the ones behind 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> > 
> > 
> >

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