At 11:40 AM 1/22/2007, you wrote:

>W5KGT wrote:
> > And make sure that the coordinator has the correct PL
> > tone in his data base.
>The only problem with that is they have a tendency to publish it. Then
>suddenly the repeater isn't closed anymore. It's happened here. Access
>codes/tones were published in the ARRL directory when they were told NOT to.

<----Folks seem to forget that PL/DPL was never meant to be a 
security feature, although it seems many Hams try to use it as one.

And besides, with today's radios it ain't exactly rocket science to 
figure out which particular tone(s) a particular system uses.

I don't see where it makes one iota of difference whether tone(s) are 
published or not...

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