> Some one heard the owner of 165 talk about having to keep the 
> power down
> because of desense. 

A perfect example of bandaidsmanship.

> What about a band pass on 147.765?  

Nah, it would only buy you a couple of dB of attenuation at 147.93.

> It may take a crystal 
> filter or just
> padding the input a little.  I don't know what kind of preamp it is.  

If it's his repeater Tx overloading his preamp or Rx, an extra pass/reject
cavity (pass 147.765, reject 147.165) before the preamp would likely fix the
33 issue, and possibly help, if not cure, his desense problem as well,
unless the desense is being caused by transmitter noise, in which more
filtering on the Tx would be necessary.

                                        --- Jeff

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