On 2/7/07, w4wsm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, CG is on transmitter. I pulled the cable to it and the TX went
> off. It wouldn't key with the tone disconnected...is there a jumper
> you have to use for no tone?

I'm sorry, clarify... when you pulled the cable off the exciter on the
left side of the drawer, or did you pull something else off?  The
station would stay keyed if you disconnected the PA normally... that's
why I ask?

> It's the intercom button on the 10volt card that causes the tx to go
> off when you push it.

Normal.  It thinks you're talking on the intercom circuit.

> I've noticed when the TX is off using this switch I hear a hum like
> it's pulling more power. Maybe normal but doesn't make the sound when
> tX is full power.

Probably normal.

> PPT light is on on the 10v board. Never goes off even after pulling CG.

That doesn't sound right.  Also confirm you're pulling the CG board in
the system board area, and not the transmitter CG board.

Stock GE repeaters have to use two separate boards, but if they were
configured as remote bases, there is a board that will do both encode
and decode that goes into the system board area (receiver CG board
P908 and P909 I believe, but I'm at work and not looking at one) but
it will not do them *at the same time*.

This is why you have to use two stock GE boards or add a TS-32/64 to
the GE stations to do a repeater that receives and transmits CG.

In most configurations that are set up as remote bases... if you pull
the CG board from the system board, the station unkeys.

> This one hasn't had any mods. All original GE as far as I know.

Was it always a repeater, or was it jumpered as a remote base or ...?

It kinda sounds like someone golden-screwdrivered it, but... I forgot
what other cards you said it has installed.  Any other cards in the

Also... if it has the stock repeater card, have you reduced the TX
hang time on that card to the lowest setting?  It will transmit for a
while after the receiver closes, by whatever that pot is set to.

Just throwing out some more ideas...

If you're planning to run a ham controller anyway (since that internal
one won't ID your repeater properly anyway)... you *might* consider
pulling all the cards from the shelf except the 10V regulator,
jumpering the station as a duplexed repeater from the LBI's and the
docs on RB, and then seeing if you can get it to work happily with an
off-board controller.

But I understand the desire to get it working stock before changing
anything.  Both methods have merit, and I like getting the stock
station working if possible before proceeding...

Nate WY0X

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