> it's also not a "stacked" so bear little relevence to the matter

Trying to understand what "stacked" has to do with the discussion...  

> There is little or no
> >automatic penalty for using a non-resonant antenna.
> just some efficiency

Barry, try to understand that a resonant antenna is not automatically
efficient.  And conversely that a non-resonant antenna is
automatically inefficient.  There is much mis-information out there,
and it dies very slowly.

> >
> >Ask anyone on this list how well the DB420 works down into the 70cm
> >ham gand.
> >
> > > claims  are like water (sic)
> >
> >Very true.  The <claims> I make here (6dbd gain and 144-162 mc. at
> >less than 1.5:1 VSWR) are quoted from reputable commercial two-way
> >antenna manufacturer's data sheets and catalogs, not some ham-grade
> >antenna gain claim.

> interesting comparison and I doubt you meant to insult hams as a group

Whoa, insult??  The term ham-grade as used here simply separates the
reputable and known-to-be-honest-about-gain manufacturers from those
that are obviously not-so-honest.  'Nuff said.  

Apparently you've not read some of the incredible claims of ham-grade
antennas.  They sometimes re-invent the laws of physics.  Amazing!

Laryn K8TVZ

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