On 3/14/07, nj902 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Another post suggested checking the frequency response of your
> repeater.  Definitely - do that.  Try it a various deviations.  You
> may be surprised at how ugly it gets.

Sure would be nice to see ARRL labs do a shootout of repeater
controllers with tests like this one... they spend days and days (and
page after page) testing out $10,000 HF rigs...

You'd think they could put some hard numbers behind the performance of
the various repeater controllers out there every couple of years from
the lab as a small article in the VHF/UHF month/edition.

What kinds of tests would YOU like to see done in a "repeater
controller shootout" article?  Maybe someone could write one up and
submit it... obviously a giant chart of features is probably a
must-have for such an article, too...

Nate WY0X

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