type the word blank in the freq window
The radios were most likely programmed in the repeater mode of rss not radio 
This is a normal thing to occur
This is not even required unless you need to make absolutely sure that a 
receive radio never transmits ( ie into a preamp or multicoupler for instance )

-------------- Original message -------------- 

> Skipp, 
> Not sure what the problem is you're experiencing there, but each time I 
> needed to blank out a frequency entry, I enter all zeros (000.00000) and 
> when I hit he ENTER key it reads back as "Blank"... maybe you have something 
> else going on there. ??? 
> I know this didn't help your situation, but it sounds like you were doing 
> what you needed to. 
> Mark - N9WYS 
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com On Behalf Of skipp025 
> While you guys are on the subject of Motorola Mobile Radios made 
> into repeaters... 
> The factory frequency programming for the original repeater setup 
> has a "blank" entry for the tx function in the receive radio and 
> the same blank label in the rx frequency of the tx radio. Once 
> someone changes the frequency slot it's not obvious how to restore 
> a blank function into a replacement radio. We've tried blank and 
> zeros into the frequency slot but the software doesn't like something 
> about the entry and defaults back to a number. 
> Any clue how to enter in the "blank" or no-entry function in an 
> unused motorola gm300/m120 mobile radio frequency choice? 
> thanks for your answers... 
> skipp 
> Yahoo! Groups Links 

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