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--- In Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com, "Eric Lemmon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Your informant is essentially correct.  A sweep generator is an
> instrument that generates an AF or RF signal either linearly or
> logarithmically between a start and an end frequency.  By itself,
> it is useless for tuning cavities. However, when its sweep voltage
> is coupled to an oscilloscope's horizontal input, then we have a
> tool to visually characterize a cavity.  A spectrum analyzer is
> essentially an oscilloscope with its input filter being driven
> by a sweep generator.

W6NCT:  I thought that to be the case; and I have already tried to
connect the X/Y outputs from the sweep generator to my oscilloscope. 
The scope's display does sweep; but it does nor look lik what I was
expecting.  I suspect that I don't have the rest of the test
confifured correctly.  Can you tell me how to connect the other inputs
and outputs to stimulate the cavity and see the response on the

> A tracking generator is not really a separate piece of equipment,
> but is simply an output of the spectrum analyzer that can be used 
> to excite the unit under test.  The "tracking" in the name means
> that this signal generator is synchronized exactly with the sweep 
> of the spectrum analyzer.  Thus, the display on the analyzer is a
> graphic representation of the frequency response of the unit under
> test.

W6NCT:  I would have expected that the Sweep Generator, when combined
with a connected oscilloscope would essentially result in the same
functionality as a tracking generator; since the Sweep generator seems
to both drive the DUT and the oscilloscope output display.  Am I wrong?

> A spectrum analyzer with a tracking generator, or better still, 
> a vector network analyzer, are ideal for tuning duplexers, notch 
> and bandpass filters, and ferrite isolators.

W6NCT:  This is nice information; but again, you are talking about
equipment I cannot afford.  Which is why I was asking my questions to
begin with.

> 73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

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