> "w6nct" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was recently told (by another ham) that I could ONLY tune up 
> my 70cm duplexer cavities using something called a "tracking 
> generator". 

Then consider the rest of what you hear from your ham friend with 
a skeptic ear. There are a number of different ways to tune and 
adjust various types/styles of duplexers and cavities. 

> For some reason, I thought that my father used to tune up resonant
> cavities using a sweep generator, oscilloscope, and a frequency
> counter; but I don't recall the exact setup he used.

It's one method of making a tracking or sweeping display of your 
cavity/duplexer assembly. The Wavetek Method (same series) I have 
here is not as exact as using other specilized test equipment but 
any port in a storm will probably work well enough. 

> I inherited his Wavetek (Model #1080, 1GHz) sweep generator,
> oscilloscope, and frequency counter.  I also have access to an
> IFR-1100 service monitor, if I need it (i.e., can be borrowed 
> from a friend).
> Can I tune up my 70cm duplexer cavities using the equipment I have?

Probably... but other minor equipment you have might also be handy. 
Like a receiver, watt meter, 50 ohm terminations/dummy load(s). 

> If so, could someone please indicate the test setup and procedure.
> Thank-you.

Before that... tell us what type of duplexer or cavity/cavities you 
want to adjust?  


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