Skipp / all,

I'm kinda doing this particular thing now - constructing a repeater from
"pieces-parts" (i.e. mobile radios, controller, power amplifier, power
supply, etc) for 900MHz... although I'm not down to "board-level"
construction of the machine.

That being said, I'd also be interested in following such a thread.  One
thing, though -- the conversion of a mobile into a repeater has already been
done (and expertly, I might add) with both the Micor and Mastr-II mobiles on
the Repeater-Builder website...  

However, (that was for you, Skipp!  Hehehe) employing a different mobile
unit, certainly!  I'd just hate to reinvent the wheel.

Mark - N9WYS

-----Original Message-----
From: On Behalf Of KD5SFA

Sounds like fun to me.
In fact I've been tasked to help with just
that sort of thing for a group.  Probably a local
split site on 6m using 70cm as a link.

-----Original Message-----
>From: skipp025 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Re: Poor Mans Repeater Project anyone? 
>Would some of you group members be interested in a "Poor Mans 
>Repeater Project" as described below? 
>The project goal would be to construct a simple repeater using 
>various/mixed radio parts. We as a group would talk about various 
>portions of the repeater during actual construction of a project 
>by at least one or two (probably more) group members. 
>The project would more likely be surplus two-way conversion and/or 
>ki-built related radio equipment as anyone can buy a pre-made 
>repeater system. 
>We'd toss around a few ideas first and then try to aquire 
>equipment and make it work as best possible.  
>Converted mobile radios..? Converted base or commercial repeaters? 
>Junk bought off ebay... yadda yadda.  Duplexer... no duplexer, high 
>power, low-power.  You get the idea... 
>Might be fun and a way to get good information and various 
>opinions out to the group. A lot of you don't have the money for 
>some of these bells and whistles we talk about.  So why not go 
>back to our roots and build a repeater from scratch. 
>Anyone interested?    

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