List members,

A couple of weeks ago I was looking for comments / information on how to renew 
my father's ham license.  A number of you responded which I archived them into 
a Word document for future reference.

I didn't have a chance to do anything with it until today.  After re-reading 
all of the posts and then logging into, the license renewal took less 
than 20 minutes to complete.  The process is simple:

1.  If you don't have an FRN (FCC Registration Number), click on the link (left 
hand side on the home page) to get one.  If you do have one, proceed to step 3.

2.  After obtaining an FRN, click on the link that associates the FRN to your 
call sign.  Complete the page that does this.

3.  At this point you should be presented with a number of options, one being 
to renew your license (with or without any modifications).  Since I didn't have 
to change anything, I just clicked on renew with no modifications.

4.  Complete the application and then click on the submit.  You also have the 
option at this point to print out your application or save it to a .pdf file.  
I did both.

It was easy to do.  And the best part is that you don't have to pay anyone else 
to do it -  it's free.

Thanks again to all that responded to my inquiry.

Don, KD9PT

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