As we heard on vintage Saturday Night Live shows... 

"Never Mind..." 

See what happens when you switch to decafe... 

If the coax you are using is RG-400....  well then... probably 
not a major problem source. But never say never about pretty much 

If the coax is LMR-400... then trash it and replace it with 
RG-214 mil spec coax. 

RG-214 mil spec is one of the better types of coax to use as 
repeater to duplexer jumpers... short of using "flexible hard 
line" (yeah, yeah oxy moron time). 


*back to my face in the soup bowl & thanks Dwayne...

> > The jumper cables from the repeater cabinet to the Duplexer is 
> > Milspec RG400 and no adapters are used.
> Ahhh....!  TAKE THE LMR-400 COAX AND THROW IT AWAY! Replace it 
> with some RG-214 (mil spec type). 


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