Let's have some fun... It's Friday. 

Merriam-Webster OnLine Definitional of Quasi 
[paste text] 

Main Entry: qua·si
Pronunciation: 'kwA-"zI, -"sI; 'kwä-zE, -sE
Function: adjective
Etymology: quasi-

1 : having some resemblance usually by possession of certain 
attributes <a quasi corporation>

2 : having a legal status only by operation or construction of 
law and without reference to intent <a quasi contract>


Now the impromptu Yahoo Repeater Builder Group Definitiona of Quasi 
[paste text] 

Main Entry: qua·si
Pronunciation: 'kwA-"zI, -"sI; 'kwä-zE, -sE
Function: defer the facts
Etymology: quasi-

1 : lacking technical knowledge - dodge the truth/facts, work or 
    just being a cheapskate/lazy

2 : having no regard or care for legal status by operation or 
    construction and without reference to intent 

[end of text] 


> "IM Ashford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Quasi .. that just means virtual.
> Some manufacturers, in the interests of meaningless product 
> diferentiation, choose words for effect.

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