I would seriously look at the possibility of building an offsite data 
center DR facility as it seems like it has the start for it assuming 
fiber connectivity can be brought in.. You may be able to generate 
some serious revenue to pay the rent.... so to speak.. A building 
like this has some real potential in DR if the price/service is 
right...literally nuke proof...and secure to boot away from 
hazards... other than the tower which is not really to much in this size....

We have an underground version of one of these type facilities near 
my home and I am waiting to see it go on the blocks some day... 
although it is still currently in use. Not a big tower, but lots of 
connectivity....although it is a Rohn 65ish class 200+ footer...


At 10:01 AM 6/19/2007, you wrote:

> >
> > > I wouldnt do it if it was a former long lines site (aka owned by
> > > american tower)
> > > They make everything a PITA and you also have to get a radio
> > > engineer to do your site design.
>To to state again, even though this site was a former long lines site,
>it was and has never been owned by American Tower.
> >
>The good thing about this site is, if the person decides to maintain
>ownership, which is doubtful now, he most likely will not have any
>hams interested, or anyone for that matter in using the site. There
>are several towers within a 10 mile radius that are taller. There is
>only a handle full of repeaters in our area, though all the 2 meters
>fregs. are gone, and most sit on one of 2 towers. I don't for see
>anyone moving them.
>Plus, if it all works out, in the end the facility will be in our
>hands, we will control how the design is setup and it most likely be
>shared with the following operations,
>1. ARES - us
>2. CERT - one of our sister groups
>3. REACT - one of our sister groups
>4. Search and Rescue - our parent organization which has final say on
>it all anyways.
>5. Possible a data transmitter for the County SO office.
>Other than that, most likely no one will be on the tower. This site
>will contain both amateur repeaters and a commercial repeater for the
>SAR organization. But thanks to members of our ARES group and others,
>we should be able to insure all operations are at their fullest while
>not hampering any of the others.

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