
Welcome!  You will find a veritable wealth of information on this reflector,
as well as some extremely opinionated (and rightfully so) repeater owners
and operators.  The main thing to remember is: ask and you shall receive,

First off, what are you looking to do with this machine, for example two
questions come immediately to mind: Amateur or commercial?  How large of an
area are you wanting to cover?  

You will need to contact your local repeater coordinating body and find out
just what frequency pairs are available to you for your project before you
even *start* looking at equipment.  This keeps you from spending money on
equipment you will not be able to use later on...  Know ahead of time - in
some parts of the country, 2m pairs are nearly impossible to obtain, and 440
is rapidly approaching that level.

Once you obtain a "construction permit" for your repeater, you can start
gathering the necessary equipment.  Again, as stated before, a *good*
repeater can very well be costly.  This is also dependent upon where you are
going to be locating it - if you are going to be in a commercial venue, they
have much more stringent "regulations" about what type of equipment they
will allow (this of course will elevate the cost of the project) as opposed
to the type of repeater you could construct/erect on your own tower and
operate out of your ham shack...  

Search the message archives here - you will find prior discussions about
just this subject.  Pick and choose the information and tailor it to your
needs / objectives. Most of us here have accomplished exactly what you are
setting out to do, so be sure to ask questions first and save yourself the
headaches!  And most of all, try to have FUN with it.  

73 de Mark - N9WYS

-----Original Message-----
From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of lou_c1357
Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2007 9:07 AM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Hello...

Hello all.  Just joined the group, and looking forward to getting all 
the information that I can.  I am looking at a long term project, and 
want to put up a repeater.  I want to know where do I get started?? I 
am looking for the basics first, and then move along from there.



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