Skipp - Best analogy I've heard in years!
Charles, KS3Z

--- skipp025 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Repeaters are like... 
> A clean auto windsheild: 
> If you have one the bugs (problem operators) will
> come looking 
> for (find) you if you leave it out in the open.
> A bug light zapper: 
> People will often locate a repeater by following the
> flashing 
> lights or whiz-bang sounds. Upon arrival they will
> quickly 
> learn to love or hate what they find. Much of the
> time it's 
> pretty messy... 
> A boat named Titanic: 
> Sure is pretty while she sails but you'd really like
> to avoid 
> being in the boiler room with a coal shovel in your
> hand. 
> A 17 year old car: 
> Always needs some expensive parts and you pray
> nothing will jump 
> out in front of you because the brakes are not so
> good. 
> Ratatouille: 
> The obvious problems don't prevent even the
> determined rat 
> from being a great chef. 
> cheers, 
> s. 

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