Thanks, that does sound like the unit that my friend
is using. I wasn't sure what they did to sum the
outputs, and I didn't know it had BB capability. I'd
think the voltage drop would be somewhat constant once
some load current was drawn.

My own repeater needs at least 14.0 Volts because I'm
using a 7812 regulator in front of the controller. I
was going to buy one of the new Samlex SEC-1235M units
and push the voltage up to 14.0, but if each one drops
that much under a partial load, I think I'm going to
stay with the RS35M instead, which exhibits nearly no

Bob M.
--- Doug Zastrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bob,
> From the description of "five 20 A units in one box"
> it sounds identical to 
> the Samlex SEC-100BRM as shown on the Samlex web
> site here:
> The manual for the SEC-100BRM can be found at the
> Samlex site here:
> Page 20 of the manual shows:
> Two modules equpped:
> No load = 14.00 VDC
> Full load at 40 amps = 13.65 VDC
> Five modules equpped:
> No load = 14.00 VDC
> Full load at 100 amps = 13.35VDC
> All five modules feed a common bus.  The bus is then
> fed to the load 
> terminals through a Schottky diode for battery
> isolation purposes.
> In my personal tests with an SEC-100BRM equipped
> with two modules I saw 
> no-load of 14.00 VDC.  With a 7.5 amp load the
> output dropped to 13.89 VDC. 
> Not nearly as heavy a load as your friend was
> seeing.
> My guess is the output dropping one full volt is
> suspicious.
> And as fair warning, I have discovered errors in
> Samlex documentation before 
> so I approach their specs with a wary eye.
> Doug
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Bob M.
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2007 4:24 PM
> Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Samlex Power Supplies
> Is anyone running a Samlex 12V supply in a situation
> where they can measure the voltage regulation from
> minimal load to something near half load?
> A friend has one of their 100A supplies (five 20A
> units in one box) and he's seeing about 1V drop with
> a
> 35A load (2M power amp), which is a bit more than
> I'd
> feel comfortable with. I don't know how they connect
> the supplies in parallel, so this could just be
> normal
> drop through the combining network, if any.
> I can't find any specs regarding this on the Samlex
> web site or in their manual for the SEC-1223. I
> would
> hope the supply can hold the voltage to well within
> 1%.
> For comparison, Astron RS35 supplies don't drop at
> all, or if they do, it's under 0.1V, just losses in
> the wiring.
> Thanks.
> Bob M.

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