At 10/24/2007 19:46, you wrote:

>145.25 can be a real pain. We have a repeater on that frequency. It is CATV
>channel E. We always have leaks from the cable rendering the repeater
>useless in some areas until a call is made to the CATV plant. They go out
>and tighten the screws on an amplifier (left loose by the last tech working
>on it), replace a damaged section of hardline or tighten up some connectors
>that worked loose due to temperature variations. It is a never ending battle.

You'd think the CATV ingress problem would be worse, given that 145.25 is 
an output.  My guess is that the CATV companies know that, & stick the 
local "must carry" sellavision channels that nobody watches there.


Bob NO6B

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