ATTN: Ken Arck

We should compare notes on this stuff - 
The radio spectrum as we knew it is rapidly getting polluted.
With all the attention to the neo-systems ( NexTel etc ) 
little attention is being paid to the "former"

Com/Rad Inc
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ken Arck 
  Sent: Saturday, November 10, 2007 11:21 AM
  Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Possible interference on 146.160

  I DESPISE the proliferation of all these unlicensed wireless devices 
  cropping up these days (I saw the downward spiral in wireless 
  "professionalism" starting when the FCC started eliminating 1st, 2nd 
  and 3rd Class RadioTelephone licenses and replacing them with the - 
  IMHO - useless General RadioTelephone ticket). But I digress...

  After many years of operation with no problems, about 2 weeks ago we 
  started experiencing an intermittent "hash" type interference on my link receiver at one of my sites. It didn't appear on any 
  other receiver up there - not the 146.320 nor the 446.900 one. When 
  it occurs, it sounds a lot like horizontal sync buzz and usually 
  lasts a few hours or so. Of course the link is toned so the buzz is a 
  problem only as it relates to "capturing" a valid link signal being received.

  I went up to the site and luckily it was happening while I was there. 
  According to my handheld, it was fairly weak and was wide - from 
  about 200 kHz below my receive link channel to above it by almost 500 
  kHz. This seems a bit narrow to be a video signal but I noticed 
  towards the high end of the range, the buzz fades only to be replaced 
  by a "quiet" carrier. Strange....

  I plan on taking my SA up there next week to see if I can better 
  identify the offending signal but I suspect it's one of those low 
  power, Part 15 434 mHz POS....

  President and CTO - Arcom Communications
  Makers of repeater controllers and accessories.
  Authorized Dealers for Kenwood and Telewave and
  we offer complete repeater packages!
  AH6LE/R - IRLP Node 3000
  "We don't just make 'em. We use 'em!"


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