Hi Jesse, 

Working from a memory polluted by a few bad choices back in the 
late 70's...  There should be three most common range of the UHF 
MSR-2000.  The low UHF Range was about 409 to 430 MHz, the formal 
band edges escape me. 

The mid UHF range operation is 450 to about 490 typical. The 
T-Band Range operation was about 483 to 512 MHz. 

There are a number of differences in the PA by band segment 
and by version number. The TLE-xxxx "B versions" were much better 
than the TLE-xxxx "A versions". The harmonic filter was revised 
so it doesn't unsolder itself at the high current points and 
cause the PA to poop (fail). 

Both the ceramic substrates and the transistor "modules" change 
by band segment as does the harmonic filter. 

The 450-490 range PA is pretty good almost to 495 MHz in many 
examples & the 483-512 PA is not happy about going very far below 
the normal band edge.  I have seen and used examples that operated 
well above their specified range but few work well below their 
band edge without reduced power, getting really hot or some other 

Most of the low range UHF MSR units were made for places like 
Canada and special aps. Those binder manuals have the part numbers 
for those PA's as-built.   And to add to the mix... many of those 
PA's are the low power ~40 watt packages.  Trying to find the 110 
watt low range UHF PA is right up there with "hens teeth". 


> "Jesse Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Was there ever a MSR 2000 built that covered the low UHF split
410ish to 440ish?
> I know of the 450-470, 470-494, 494-512 splits, but is there another
> low band one?
> If so does anyone know the receiver part and PA part numbers for it?
> Thanks,
> Jesse

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