Couple of big differences between D-Star, IRLP and Echolink:

With Echolink, any licensed amateur with a soundcard-equipped computer and 
an internet connection can connect to an Echolink-enabled repeater.  With 
IRLP and D-Star, you can only establish a connection between repeaters over 
the air - there is no access from the internet side.  And for now, only an 
Icom D-Star radio can connect to a D-Star repeater (yes, I know about the 
"dongle", but it's not commercially available yet nor easily replicated), 
while any rig with a touchtone pad can dial up an IRLP link.

George, KA3HSW

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ron Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Wide Area Coverage

> Steve,
> I think this is what is misunderstood by most repeater owners and users is 
> that D-Star has set up a system that is not only digital voice, but a 
> gateway for interconnecting them for those who wish to connect into the 
> system.
> It is more like analog repeaters connected into a chat IRLP or Echolink, 
> but with better full duplex connectivity.
> My interest in D-Star is the digital voice.  From a number of commercial 
> and Ham users it seems digital has a much more fad/multi-path problem. 
> Know the world is going digital, but for mobile applications seems to have 
> some problems.  For fixed got the path digital offers a lot.
> 73, ron, n9ee/r

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