In the past Dave (VE7LTD) was completely unwilling to allow PC users from
accessing a repeater.  Has this changed?

Because of Dave's original actions, I have always avoided IRLP and used
and eQSO.

------ Original Message ------
Received: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 02:44:28 AM CST
From: Nate Duehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Wide Area Coverage

> On Nov 18, 2007, at 10:01 PM, George Henry wrote:
> > Couple of big differences between D-Star, IRLP and Echolink:
> >
> > With Echolink, any licensed amateur with a soundcard-equipped  
> > computer and
> > an internet connection can connect to an Echolink-enabled repeater.   
> > With
> > IRLP and D-Star, you can only establish a connection between  
> > repeaters over
> > the air - there is no access from the internet side.
> Not 100% true.  IRLP node owners can install a web-server application  
> that also allows for connections from a PC running SpeakFreely for  
> Windows.  Not many do.  It's not popular since many node owners see  
> the "no PC access" prevailing thought in the network as a positive  
> thing.
> But PC access *is* possible and has been discussed in public by Dave  
> Cameron VE7LTD, the system designer, at the IRLP conferences in Las  
> Vegas.
> > And for now, only an
> > Icom D-Star radio can connect to a D-Star repeater (yes, I know  
> > about the
> > "dongle", but it's not commercially available yet nor easily  
> > replicated),
> > while any rig with a touchtone pad can dial up an IRLP link.
> Heck, who needs DTMF when you have a PC with SSH?  :-)
> Of course, you have to be a node owner (or have their permission) to  
> play with such things... log into the node via command line and type  
> "decode XXXX" for whatever DTMF command you would normally punch, and  
> it'll do it.
> Some node owners also have customized web interfaces hiding behind  
> password protected web pages they allow users to control the nodes from.
> It all depends on the node owner.  Right now I'm working on a web- 
> interface to control various Colorado nodes that wish to participate  
> for ARES/RACES.  If I ever find enough time to finish it...
> --
> Nate Duehr, WY0X

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