Valid options perhaps, but not what I'm looking for.  I want to be able to
show the users that all is well and (hopefully) they'll stop being so
paranoid every time the repeater signal is down a quarter of an S-unit on
their 35 year old rockbound radio.







[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jim Brown
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2007 6:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Remote power monitoring


MFJ marketed that board also. I think it was an
MFJ-52, but not sure.

You have to make a packet connection to the TNC using
the X1J4 firmware and the TNC will respond with the
deviation and signal strength of each station in the
MHeard list. You can also query for supply voltage
and temperature. I am sure you could substitute power
out and power reflected for the last two params, and
use the repeater as a packet node to get these values.

I just installed a regular packet node on a
mountaintop and used one of these boards, but did not
hook up the hardware for the voltage monitor or
temperature. The deviation and signal strength come
in handy for keeping up with the various packet
stations the node services.

The receiver condition could also be monitored using
this setup and connecting from a fixed location with a
power output that would not saturate the first limiter
of the receiver, where the signal strength is picked
off. The most stable signal strength I found was from
another node about 150 miles away that normally read
about S-8 but would vary with the weather conditions.

73 - Jim W5ZIT

--- Burt Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <> > wrote:

> There is an another option. PacComm had a 4 channel
> A-D converter board 
> for their Tiny-2 TNCs. It operated with the TheNet
> X1JR4 node software. 
> Each of the channels had adjustable scaling to yield
> whatever numbers 
> you wanted on the output. It has been a while since
> I have been 
> involved with packet but as I recall it would send
> out the info as part 
> of a bulletin packet or possibly on request. You
> would need a packet 
> terminal to display the result.
> I am not sure if the AD-4 is still available (it is
> mentioned on their 
> website but not shown as a current product) but the
> actual circuit was 
> quite simple and a diagram was available as I recall
> with the X1JR4 info.
> Burt VE2BMQ
> Mike Besemer (WM4B) wrote:
> > I'm interested in remotely monitoring the
> power/SWR at the repeater site 
> > and having the ability to have a macro poll the
> device and report status 
> > over the repeater output. I see that LDG makes a
> power meter with a 
> > voice output that I could probably interface, but
> is there something 
> > designed more specifically for the application I
> have in mind? The 
> > controller is a CAT-1000.
> > 
> > Ideas?
> > 
> > Mike
> > 
> > WM4B

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