In a message dated 12/28/2007 4:24:38 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

The  disadvantages are many, but the main one is in that the digital 
signal is  converted to analog and then back to digital, and the 
resulting  "double-vocoded" audio which has been put through two lossy 
CODEC's will  sound really bad.

You cant double vocode  using Maxtracs, they have no vocoder to begin  with. 
This is a transparent repeater
and will pass IMBE, VSELP, AEGIS and D-Star. Might even be wide enough  for 
12KB Securenet. What it lacks is error correction so digital errors present  on 
the input will be passed right along. This results in reduced range. This is  
a good way for Hams to start using their P25 radios immediately while 
shopping  for a Quantar. I am building one right now.

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