Let's see what is wrong with my statement. 

The repeater controller keys up the link radio via the PTT.  The Audio 
Delay Board places a one second delay on the audio being sent to the 
link radio.  This allows the 2 Alinco radios on either side of the link 
to key up and the PL encode/decode functions to complete.  After the 1 
second delay, the audio is passed through to the other repeater that is 
being linked to.

Why will this not work?

Ken Arck wrote:
> At 04:32 PM 12/29/2007, you wrote:
> >Have you ever used a delay board and know what it can do?
> <---Oh I think I have an idea what they do, yes.
> Ken
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> President and CTO - Arcom Communications
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