I'm curious if you're talking mechanical or something else? Except
for a funky MSF5000 I've been beating on (which takes a good 900 ms
to decode 1Z), I've never seen performance as bad as you point out in
an electronic type decoder. Mechanical, sure.
For example, I have a reedless Mitrek decoder and that puppy is very
fast, even at 67 Hz.
At 05:04 PM 12/29/2007, you wrote:
TIA/EIA-603-C, the international standard for Land Mobile Radio performance,
states that CTCSS decoder response times may vary between 224 milliseconds
at 67.0 Hz to no more than 150 milliseconds at 100.0 Hz and above.
I have measured response times of 80 milliseconds in some radios to tones of
250.3 Hz, when the response at 67.0 Hz was close to 200 milliseconds. So,
you are correct that the difference in response times between low and high
tones can be measured in microseconds- in my experience the difference can
be 120,000 microseconds and still meet the spec.
73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY
-----Original Message-----
Ken Arck wrote:
> At 02:29 PM 12/29/2007, you wrote:
> <----Nope. A delay board won't do a thing for the decode pickup time
> and probably not for the release time either.
> And a using a higher tone probably won't help either. You're talking
> microseconds in difference between a tone at the low range and one at
> the top end.
> Ken
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