Your sources are mis-informed. If your too close to the transmitter than likely 
your fighting multipath which is more harmful to DTV than analog, but it 
absolutly requires less signal to noise to get the DTV signal than analog. I 
have expierenced many times first hand. Also reflected in the fact most 
stations DTV counterparts run at a fraction of the power as the analog and 
cover the same, if not more, area. Lets embrace DTV so leff rf across all the 
frequencies is being produced- Couldn't hurt your radios or repeater recievers! 
(That was to get this post on topic ;) )
  As for display technologies- records sound better than CD's too.... And the 
Drake TR7 sounds better that an Icom 7800..... 
  Watch what your happy watching but don't judge flat panel technology on the 
crappy sets you see showing crappy distributed signals at walmart or costco. 
Yes- there can be problems with motion but done right it still looks good. Give 
them a chance- we have had 50+ years to perfect the CRT technology, and flat 
panel is-6 to 8 years at the most. Good luck showing a 1080p24 BlueRay on your 

wd8chl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Ben wrote:

> If you haven't tried to rx DTV yet it's time you did. I can watch 
> channels now in studio quality that in analog are almost unwatchable 
> by todays standards. HD signals are very nice too! It's easy to pick 
> these channels up with the antenna you have up now and the cost is 
> just going to do down from here. All TV's sold today are required to 
> have DTV tuners. Go to Walmart and look.

The experience I have heard from everyone else is just the opposite. The 
DTV signal requires much more antenna then analog. A station only a mile 
or two away that is perfect in analog is unwatchable in DTV. And even 
when it is watchable by putting up an antenna outside, it's not any 
better quality then analog on the same size TV.
One issue I see is people are NOT comparing apples to apples. You can't 
compare a 20" analog to a 36" flat panel. My 27" analog TV at home has 
as good a pic from DirecTV as any ~27" flat panel I've seen, and better 
then most. Flat panels distort when there is movement in the video. It 
gets a 'smear' that makes it hard to focus.
I'll keep my CRT, thank you very much.

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