I have a question about the DB base antennas such as the DB-224, DB-
420, etc. As most of you know they consist of folded dipole "trombones" 
mounted on the mast at 90 degree angles with a phasing harness to 
create a omnidirectional pattern. I have heard of pointing the 
trombones all in one direction to create a "beam". My question is has 
anyone pointed them in other directions? What I'd like to do is point 
mine in roughly 120 degree slots, to go around downtown bulidings which 
block the RF path due north, SW and E as we are located on a 40 story 
builing in the middle of downtown which has taller buildings blocking 
the aforementioned directions. Essentially what I want to do is "beam" 
the signal in to the open "slots". 

73 and Thanks,

Bernie Parker


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