OK Larry,
  Maybe if you can supply the dimensions of the PA plate line and tuning cap I 
can help you to get it to get lower to 144 MHz. I have two spare 375 W. PA's 
and a spare plate line to compare to for dims. Do you have a ham call?
            Wow, looks like I struck a nerve here! So much for believing those 
fast-talking Motorola sales guys. My point was to find out if it was of the 
MICOR or MOTRAC "era" for the PA deck - maybe I should have given a "time 
frame" instead (pre-1971, such as my MICOR mobile and station are.)
  The topic appears occasionally about trying to get the MICOR 1/4 KW VHF 
stations to work in the lower part of the 2-Meter band (I have one sitting in 
the garage that I'd like to move to 2M, too), which doesn't ever seem to happen 
unless it's a factory (or modified to) low-split VHF PA deck. I've heard of 
people getting the "predecessor" station (whatever  you'd like to call it)  
which also used a pair of 8560A tubes, I know that people were sometimes 
successful in moving those to 2-Meters. It becomes a matter of whether you want 
to spend the money, sometimes.....

  -----Original Message----- 
From: allan crites 
Sent: Feb 27, 2008 9:56 AM 
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Motorola TLD6612A amp repair 

    I was not going to make a response to your last but since you have provided 
your source of information may I then provide mine.
    It appears that your Motorola sales guy's misled you and that you have 
unsubstantiated information which you never bothered to verify by reading the 
manuals or sales literature.
    As a supervising engineer at Motorola Comm. Div. in the 1960's and 70's I 
never heard of or ever knew of an Upright Base Station being referred to as a 
Motrac base station or repeater.
    In addition, no Upright base never had a xmtr anywhere like the xmtr in a 
Motrac mobile like you suggest.
    Also the Upright base never had an "H" series rcvr. The original LB & HB 
Upright Base had an "L" rcvr, with an altogether different audio output board 
and output transistor stage, unlike the audio in a rcvr in a Motrac mobile, and 
an all transistor one piece control chassis. See HB manual no. 68P81032A70-A.
   The second version of Upright Base Stations came with an "L" rcvr in LB & an 
"M" rcvr in HB both with a modularized control chassis. See LB manual no. 
68P81003E25-O and HB manual no. 68P81003E55-A. 
    Motorola also manufactured Upright Base Stations and Multiple - Receiver 
base stations for use in IMTS telephone operations using 450 MHz "M" rcvrs. Are 
these to be called "Motrac" IMTS stations also? See manual no. 68P81059 A95-B.
    The only "base" stations manufactured by Motorola with xmtrs and rcvrs 
identical to a Motrac mobile were the Compa Station and the Consolette Station 
in LB, HB, & 450 models. For the Compa stations see LB manual no. 68P81005E40-O 
and HB manual no. 68P81005E80-B.
    Another Compa Station manufactured but which was not very successful, used 
the Motran all transistor mobile xmtr and "L" rcvr.
    Would you call that a Motrac base because the same rcvr was used in the 
Motrac mobile with the same channel elements?
    Just because you found channel elements used in Motrac mobiles identical to 
those used in the Upright Base does not make the Upright base into a "Motrac 
Base Station".
    And for the record I have one HB Upright Base Station rptr on 154.xxx MHz, 
another HB Upright base station, one 450 Upright Base Station, one LB 6M Compa 
station rptr and two HB Compa stations, as well as several different LB, HB, 
and 450 Motrac mobiles, in my inventory. 
    I have also a 224.5 MHz repeater which uses a converted 450 xmtr & a 
converted HB "M" rcvr. Does that make my 224.5 rptr a Motrac rptr?

        OUr local Motorola sales guys always promoted them as "MOTRAC" series 
base stations/repeaters, since they used H, L or M series MOTRAC receivers, 
pretty much the same exciters, the same channel elements, etc. We always knew 
them in the 2-way shops as "MOTRAC" base stations, which differentiated them 
from the later model "MICOR" series (1971 vintage, etc.)

  -----Original Message----- 
From: Eric Lemmon 
Sent: Feb 26, 2008 7:11 PM 
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Motorola TLD6612A amp repair 


The Motorola Reference Manual identifies the B93MPB as simply "Upright Base
Station." It has no nickname.

73, Eric Lemmon WB6FLY

-----Original Message-----
From: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 8:29 AM
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Re: Motorola TLD6612A amp repair

I have one of the 10-Meter B91LPB stations, uses Motrac receiver, elements,
etc. with a PA deck using 2 - 8560A tubes.

What Motorola Base Station series would you call the B93MPB station? It's
certainly not a MICOR.





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