how about trying a 1/4 wave stub tuned to his freq on your rcv line? That is
IF it is coming in there. or is it coming in thru the wiring?
Chuck K0XM

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 7:57 AM, wb8art <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,  I have a slight problem with a 444.6 output repeater and looking
> for the best and low cost approach to fix.  We have just moved to the
> site and the owner has the 440 repeater.  The ants are all at the same
> height and hence we only have a small amount of horiz separation.  We
> can't change this as on cell tower as part of the owners deal for the
> site.  So what it is, is it.  We link the the site on 446.7125 and
> 446.60, and his repeater at 10 watts, is DE-sensing our receivers
> which are GE MVP's.  Guess looking to the experts on best viable
> solution.  I have been able to try anything yet but have considered a
> mobile duplexer as an option.
> Thanks Randy
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