This might sound too simplistic, after reading some of the other 
responses.  Is the TV grounded???  A lot of them just have a 
polarized AC plug, not a grounded (3-pin) plug.  AND, along the same 
lines, is the AC outlet grounded???  I've found several 3-
pin "grounded" outlets in our house that have only a 2 conductor 
cable feeding them!!!  Might be worth a look.

If the TV is looking for a ground, and assuming the dish is properly 
installed (grounded), then the TV might well use the coax shield as a 
ground, and at that point the coax shield could potentially radiate 
the Sony's internal noises right to the roof.  This would be easy 
enough to check with a VOM and a cooperative owner.

Would it be possible to disconnect everything but power from the TV 
and see what happens???  Not to get too radical here, but could you 
perhaps wrap the TV in 'grounded' tin-foil for a couple of minutes 
and see if that knocks the interference down to below your noise 
threshold???  That would be quick and dirty, but it might well save 
you a lot of grief in putzing around with someone else's TV.

Could you move the TV to a different foom for testing?  Or perhaps 
run an extension cord and power it from a different outlet?  Just to 
start crossing things off of the "list"...

What about taking a walkie to the TV and "snoop" your repeater input 
frequency and try to localize the source of the noise?  You might get 
lucky and be able to determine if the noise is going out via the AC 
mains, or is actually being radiated from internal component that is 
trying to be a 2-meter antenna.



--- In, "raritansailor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi Folks,
> Here's a new one for me. In the same building as one of
> our repeaters there's a Sony TV hooked up to Dish/Echostar.
> The repeater is on 147.345/945. When anyone turns on the 
> Sony TV hash is produced on the repeater input and locks
> up (keys) the repeater. It does not matter if the sat rcvr
> is on, off, powered off, or disconnected. The TV itself 
> is producing the RFI. 
> I put a DCI bandpass filter on the repeater input, but no joy!
> Yes, it would probably help if there was a PL on, but all that 
> would do is keep the repeater from keying, not stop the noise 
> if it was in use, or stop it from being "desensed" by the noise. 
> (or at best the recieve ability dergraded).
> Any Ideas how to stop the noise at the TV?
> Regards, N3EAQ

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