Pardon me if this is blunt, but are these meetings really efficient for
training? Or, have they developed a reputation as a monthly "nerds night
out" for guys who like wearing pocketed orange vests in public, and a waste
of time for everyone else?
If people can't or won't make room in their lives for more meetings, then
find ways to train them online, during nets and wherever you can find them.
The business and educational worlds do much now with teleconferencing and
distance learning.
If someone checks into your net often enough to stay fresh on procedures,
and demonstrates the ability to handle formal traffic, how much face-to-face
training is really needed?
Paul, AE4KR

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Ron Wright
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Off Topic, trying not to re-invent
the wheel...


Sure ban them. You got hundreds of trees and telephone poles down, routes
blocked for emergency vehicles, no power or water and you need comm to
coordinate things and one is going to say have you attended a class??? I
don't think so.

Some don't take the time to attend meetings which is so often a few telling
stories, but when really needed they show up. 

I enjoy how people who you've never met will pitch in during a disaster.

73, ron, n9ee/r

>From: Kris Kirby <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <> us>
>Date: 2008/03/26 Wed PM 03:50:47 CDT
>To: Repeater-Builder@ <>
>Subject: Re: Re: [Repeater-Builder] Off Topic, trying not to re-invent the

>On Wed, 26 Mar 2008, Ron Wright wrote:
>> >From my 15+ years experience with emergency comm here 90% of those 
>> >who show up to help NEVER come to meetings. How you going to put 
>> >them in a training class? You are not.
>Simple: Ban them from participating in any events unless they are 
>willing at attend that one class.
>I'm not well versed in Icom radios. Motorola, Yaesu, and Alinco mostly. 
>I've used one Kenwood radio of recent vintage. I am not inclined toward 
>MARS, RACES, etc. However, were I, I would attend such as clas, just as 
>I have attended storm spotter training in the past -- even though my 
>usual response to a storm is just to get as low as possible. :)
>Kris Kirby, KE4AHR <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <> us>
>But remember, with no superpowers comes no responsibility. 
> --rly

Ron Wright, N9EE
Owner 146.64 repeater Tampa Bay, FL
No tone, all are welcome.


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