At 3/26/2008 06:29, you wrote:

>Radios at emergency opperating positions that will be used by Ham people in
>an emergency need to be commercial radios that are idiot proof.

Sounds like a good idea on the surface, but the lack of VFO mode IMO 
severely limits its usefulness in an emergency.  What if only a handful of 
repeaters are left on the air & none of them are programmed into the 
radios?  A user-programmable radio like the Kenwood TK-805D is a 
possibility, but to be effective the user must know how to program it.  As 
I'm sitting here at the keyboard I've already forgotten how to program mine.

>We tried the Ham radio in emergency com centers for years and they worked
>great but when the E.C. went to the EOC during an activation and could not
>figure out how to set the pl because someone fooled with the buttons
>between activations the radio was useless and these were very simple single
>band radios.

IMO anyone who can't figure out how to use their radio shouldn't be 
volunteering.  That is supposedly what distinguishes hams from the general 
population: our operating expertise.

Bob NO6B

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