Hi All,

Have a question regarding programming an analog (CLB) MSF5000.  I'm
going to be hooking it to a RLC4 controller.  I'm making a programming
worksheet, so when I send the PROM away it'll get programmed
correctly.  I've got PTT priority (8.6) to LW (Local and Wireline),
repeater activation (8.7) as OFF, repeater Hold-In (8.7) as OFF.
Spectra-TAC (8.14) as BASE.  Now receiver Control (8.8).  This will be
a CSQ repeater when done.  Should I program this to ON, or CSQ?  I
want to use unsquelched de-emphasised audio into my controller, but I
also want the squelch knob on the front to MSF5000 to set the level of
the COS line.



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