I can't answer all your questions. You may want to
post these on the MSF5000 group.

I will say that the front panel Squelch knob is only
active when the ACC DIS switch is raised. This also
shuts off internal repeat, stops the CW ID from
firing, etc. Depending on how you connect your
controller to the station, you may or may not be able
to cause it to transmit when this switch is set. There
are two other squelch circuits and pots; you'd
probably be better off using one of these instead of
the front panel knob.

You can get raw, un-muted, not-de-emphasized RX audio
from one of the test points on the SCM.

The various "Control" fields that can be set to S, C,
SC, ON, OFF, etc., mainly control the signals that are
required to pass audio to the transmitter. You
probably want to set them to S, but if you'll be using
the internal MSF controller for PL/DPL, you want these
set to SC.

If you'll be using an external repeater controller,
you definitely want the MSF set as a BASE station, not
a repeater. So I think your choices that eliminate or
disable internal repeating are correct.

Bob M.
--- Jesse Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Have a question regarding programming an analog
> (CLB) MSF5000.  I'm
> going to be hooking it to a RLC4 controller.  I'm
> making a programming
> worksheet, so when I send the PROM away it'll get
> programmed
> correctly.  I've got PTT priority (8.6) to LW (Local
> and Wireline),
> repeater activation (8.7) as OFF, repeater Hold-In
> (8.7) as OFF.
> Spectra-TAC (8.14) as BASE.  Now receiver Control
> (8.8).  This will be
> a CSQ repeater when done.  Should I program this to
> ON, or CSQ?  I
> want to use unsquelched de-emphasised audio into my
> controller, but I
> also want the squelch knob on the front to MSF5000
> to set the level of
> the COS line.
> Thanks,
> Jesse

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