There are two or three practical ways to source out Data Signal - 
Albany GA manuals and information. 

First, I would instruct people to search the Repeater-Builder web 
site. Scans of some of the more common Data Signal Products have 
been made and dontated / sent in by various folks. 

The second option... post a want here on the Yahoo Repeater Builder 
Group. Sometimes people have archived manuals and would be able to 
provide the requested information by typical pdf, jpg/gif scan or 

Third... Data Signal is still in business but not doing much in 
the way of their former Land Mobile Radio Product line. In fact 
it's quite amazing how they were smart enough to morph into another 
complete product line aka business model. You can find them at 

I called them to inquire about a Rural Telephone RTS 25 unit I 
bought off Ebay a month back. Much to my surprise they were 
able to find and SELL me (not give away free) a photo copy of 
the original manual, of which I was more than happy to pay for. 

So... try options one and two if you're looking for a possible 
free manual. The contact Game Country "third option" does work but 
do keep in mind they are a business and a copy of a Data Signal 
Manual will probably cost you at least $20. 


> "David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a nice working Data Signal, Inc CWID-70. I cannot find anything 
> online at all about Data Signal, Inc never mind finding any manual for 
> the CWID-70. Anyone have any info on this unit. Need to find out the 
> pinout for the 25 connectors on the back and about programming.
> Thanks
> David

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