> It was great to meet up with Bob, Dave, Jeff and everyone else 
> who made Dayton 2008 a lot of fun. I kept trying to encourage 
> Bob to buy more surplus radio gear... 

Where were you Sunday?  NO6B bought lunch (brats) but you were nowhere to be

> My back hurts from hauling a near weight-limit suitcase back 
> to the left/west coast so you know I fell off my "12-Step Junker 
> Enders" Program for a short time. I'm both grateful and 
> disappointed I don't live within driving distance of the Dayton 
> Hamvention. 

In a moment of weakness (or perhaps utter stupidity?), on Sunday I bought
roughly 16000 electrolytic capacitors, 1000 ferrite chokes, a few hundred
toggle switches, a few hundred LED's, and a few hundred other random
components and connectors, all new in bags or on tape reels, for $100.  I
almost escaped with the truck mostly-empty.  My XYL was overjoyed with my
last-minute purchase...NOT.

                        --- Jeff

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