At 6/6/2008 14:42, you wrote:

>I checked yesterday and we are getting audio off the Vol/Squelch Hi
>pin as most people do. We wired it up instead using the RUS signal
>and a transistor and disabled the smrt squelch in the controller and
>it's working like a champ!

I don't recall ever seeing any 455 kHz at VOL/SQ HI, & my scope is good to 
at least 20 MHz.  Perhaps there was some other oscillation or ground loop 
going on.

RUS works fine on Mastr II base stations.  On mobiles it can chop a bit of 
usable signal off of weak mobile signals if the fast squelch is left 
enabled; this is due to the fast decay coupled with a somewhat slower 
attack.  Switching the COS feed from RUS to CAS solves the attack problem 
but the logic threshold voltage needs to be set just right for proper 

Bob NO6B

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