OK GUYS... Lets get back to repeaters.. 
Dail Terry

----- Original Message ----
To: Repeater-Builder@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 7:19:51 PM
Subject: [Repeater-Builder] Re: SPAM was amber alert, SNOPES VERIFIED, sent to 
you by Dan Long

Also, Tony, you misquoted me.

--- In Repeater-Builder@ yahoogroups. com, "Tom" <tallinson2@ ...> wrote:
> << However personal attacks such as using terms like "miserable life
> of yours">>
> I agree, that was a poor choice of words, however a "personal attack"
> was not intended.  What I meant to say instead of "seemingly
> miserable" was "seemingly unhappy".  As for the rest, I stand by what
> I said.  I would rather err on the side of concern.  AND, even if it
> is spam, it's one of a kind, it hasn't happened before in the couple
> of years I've been reading the board and it's not likely to happen
> again for a long, long time; so, while I may have overreacted to the
> tone of the post, MANY others overreacted to ONE piece of perceived
> "spam", knowing full well that it was not likely to happen again for a
> long time, if ever.  I'm outta here to go lick my wounds, this thread
> has already received far more attention than it deserves.
> Tom
> --- In Repeater-Builder@ yahoogroups. com, Tony VE6MVP <tony@> wrote:
> >
> > At 11:58 PM 2008-07-12 +0000, Tom wrote:
> > 
> > >While I did not originate this messge or have any previous part in
> > >it's distribution, I can only wonder, Terry, if your attitude
about it
> > >might be a little different if it's contents pertained to one of
> > >little boys clinging to your shoulders in your picture on QRZ. The
> > >fact that it's two years old only adds to the desperation those
> > >parents must be feeling over this. Don't forget, you are a living
> > >being first (even if it is only a human) and a ham second (or
third or
> > >fourth or tenth). You would do well to try to show some compassion in
> > >that, seemingly, miserable life of yours.
> > 
> > Whoa.   Disagree with a person that's fine.  However personal
> attacks such 
> > as using terms like "miserable life of yours" are unacceptable.
> > 
> > That said the original poster should've check snopes.com or other
> similar 
> > sites or just done a quick search on the girl's name.  When you read
> the 
> > story the girl was in the company of a man who was the boyfriend
of the 
> > girls aunt and legal guardian and who apparently committed suicide.
>  Thus 
> > the chances of the girl being alive are vanishingly small.
> > 
> > And the posting was off topic for this mailing list.
> > 
> > Tony
> >



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