At 10/18/2008 08:56, you wrote:
>At 07:32 AM 10/18/2008, John Everson wrote:
> >Good morning to the group.
> >
> >I have a situation where I have two repeaters and only one available
> >port. Has anyone tried this? If so, what method did you use, and what
> >were the results? I have done this in the past, but it was a long time
> >ago, and my memory isn't what it used to be. It seemed to work, but
> >back then, I may have not really have been as discriminating as I am
> >today.
><----What kind of "port" are you talking about? Antenna? Controller?

I assume he's referring to repeater controller ports.

I believe you can simply tie the PTT & audio out of a single port to 2 
transmitters.  Just make sure the open PTT voltage of both transmitters is 
roughly the same.  If one is 5 volts & the other is 12, the 12 volt source 
could damage the 5V PTT line.

The receivers are a different story, as you'll need some sort of port 
combiner to handle the COS & CTCSS logic outputs & audio outputs from the 2 
receivers.  I built a 4 port unit that logically ORs all 4 COS lines & 
squelch gates/mixes the audio from each receiver.  Unfortunately I never 
scanned the circuit so I'd have to rummage through my paper files if you're 
interested in the schematic.

Bob NO6B

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