Mike DeWaele wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm having a problem linking two mastr 2 radios together. I have one site
> and want to full time have my 2 meter and 440 machines linked together.

I saw (and agree with) the grounding comments made by others.  Ground 
loops suck.  Been there, done that.

Also double-check that the audio itself doesn't have any component of 
the received CTCSS left on it coming from each rig before it goes into 
the NHRC controller.

Also consider using shielded cabling between the radios and the 
controller and tying the shield ground to one end or the other.  (We 
like to use mini teflon coax for our audio connections -- we've been at 
a few high-RF broadcast sites where the RF would rectify in audio 
amplifiers in the rigs or controllers and make a mess.  Standardizing on 
mini-coax clears up the problem "everywhere" in our systems.)

Look at the "hum" on an oscilloscope or similar and see if it's really 
60 Hz.  That'll help you determine if it's power/grounding related, or 
coming from something else.

Keep hunting.

You'll find it...

Nate WY0X

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