ptt_pupil wrote:
> Can anyone tell me if there are ANY fixes for co-channel interference? 
> What is the use of a PL tone if it isn't able to block out the co-
> channel users? Is it because the co-channel user is transmitting with 
> more power and is able to break the PL tone? What are the expectations 
> of a PL tone? When does it work and when does it not work? Are there 
> other devices that can help all? Thanks in advance!
> ------------------------------------

hmmm...sounds like someone needs to read up on how CTCSS works...

If someone else on the channel is using the same tone, you will hear 
them. (And as someone mentioned, some decoders are better at rejecting 
adjacent tones then others.)

If there is someone on the same tone, and they were there first, your 
only option is to change tones.

I'm assuming you're on a commercial system (hence the 450-460 in the 
subject!) Frequency sharing is the norm there, and if there is someone 
else on the same frequency as you, you just have to learn to share.
If it's a community repeater with several tones turned on, you'll just 
have to turn that tone off, and maybe pick another if there's a user 
there, and reprogram their radios.

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