I have a Motorola 4 can duplexer out of a UHF MSR2000 series radio
that is the  pass/notch style. I am pretty sure Motorola also used
this same duplexer on the MSF5000 series of radios. I can not find any
info on this unit and I am having a problem with the notch on the low
pass side. I can not seem to adjust the notch past 4.5 MHz spacing. It
will adjust down to 3 MHz spacing just fine. The notch on the high
pass side adjusts just fine and will actually go a little beyond the 5
MHz spacing.

The pass adjusts properly on both sections of the duplexer.

It was originally on 464/469 and I retuned it to 440.8/445.8. The
notch problem was there on the original frequency as well.

I am using a IFR A-7550 analyzer/tracking generator for alignment. the
duplexer has very good insertion loss and the notches are -100 db, so
it is meeting specs very well, other than the one notch being off.

Has anyone ran across this before or have any ideas. I though I would
ask the group, before I started drilling out pop rivets to disassemble
the cans from the mounting bracket.


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