I TRY not to respond to OT posts, but boy am I fed up with DTV!

I could get all the high power analog stations in my market 
snow-free with a small rooftop antenna. No go with DTV so I've been 
incrementally upgrading. I now have a very large antenna residing at 
70 feet on one of my towers. Now I can get SOME of the digital 
signals. I'm going to try a mast mounted amplifier as soon as I'm 
able to climb again (currently recovering from surgery). I've 
already tried several TVs with ATSC tuners and converter boxes. 
There is some variation, but none of them can get all the digital 
signals that theoretically should be available to me.

According to the FCC and other resources, I should be getting all of 
the high power DTV stations. I have talked to engineers at two of 
the stations I'm having trouble getting. They both said more than 
likely I'm getting a too high bit error rate due to signal multipath 
with all the hills around here. They said it is proving to be an 
issue for some viewers, and suggested I try VERY large directional 
antennas and experiment with antenna bearings, but admitted I'd 
probably need several antennas, one for each DTV station I'm not yet 
getting. Aarrgh! But of course many DTV's and converter boxes can 
only add channels by auto search; there's no provision for adding 
channels manually. That pretty much rules out switching between 
multiple antennas, unless I got the timing just right while the TV 
was performing its channel search. I could combine several antennas, 
but then I'd probably have the high BER due to signal reflections 
again. Grrr!

Oh, and some of the stations that were/are broadcasting analog on 
VHF now have temporary UHF DTV assignments (higher power than their 
analog VHF). Next month they will be switching digital broadcasts to 
their old VHF channel assignments. This will probably change what 
I'm able to get and not get yet again... this time in the middle of 
a Maine winter. Grrr! Thanks FCC, or whoever is to blame for this 
bit of idiocy.

I will admit when it works, picture and sound quality is fantastic 
with DTV. Being able to get free OTA HDTV is nice too.


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