
As the previous replies have stated, while you may be able to open and run
the DOS application in XP, you won't be able to do anything with regards to
controlling external devices via serial, such as a radio in the case of

XP has some rather nasty issues with typing the serial ports for
Windows-only applications...

73s and good luck,


On Sat, Jan 17, 2009 at 9:30 PM, Ken Arck <> wrote:

>    At 07:59 PM 1/17/2009, Mike Mullarkey wrote:
> Does anybody know if one can get a DOS program to run on Windows XP.
> <----If it's a RSS program, it won't run inside a DOS window from XP and
> you need to boot into DOS at powerup (make a bootable CD to do this).
> Otherwise if the program you want to run WILL run inside a DOS window from
> within XP, just click START > RUN and at the C:/ prompt, do what you need.
> Ken
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> President and CTO - Arcom Communications
> Makers of repeater controllers and accessories.
> Authorized Dealers for Kenwood and Telewave and
> we offer complete repeater packages!
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