you  have several options , check if the machine is able to load an external 
usb drive . if not investigate one of the linux distro which can , perhaps 
puppy and boot in small form floppy , if it has a scsi port then it's easy or 
you might consider  installing dos and one of the older overlays which 
prevelant years go when I started out . Basucally buy the machine and let us no 
.. I am sure there is a simple solution .maybe even adding a cd drive and dos 
drivers then load the files from there...

Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 08:26:14 -0600
Subject: RE: [Repeater-Builder] Off Topic

            Or you can try a local hamfest - there are usually older laptops 
that show

up there, too... some for as little as $10 - $20!

The biggest problem I have run into so far is loading Win98 onto an older

laptop with only a floppy drive...  A friend of mine picked up a laptop with

an interchangeable drive bay, and then bought a CD Drive for the laptop.

Problem is: Win95 (loaded on the machine) won't recognize the drive, even

though it IS seen and recognized by the BIOS.  

We think that *IF* we can find a way to load Win98 via floppy, we can get it

to recognize the drive, but for now, the CD is unusable. Problem is, Win98

is 200+ MB...  That's over 200 floppies!!!  *OR* we need the Win95 device

driver for the CD drive.

Sorry for going even further off topic...

Mark - N9WYS


-----Original Message-----


> I am hoping to get an old dest top with Db-9, RS-232c working with  

> my old

> Windows 3.1 software.

> This will mean taking this desk top to the repeater site, to program  

> the repeater

> controller.

Get an old laptop instead.  Even if you can't keep the battery alive,  

it's a lot more convenient to lug an older heavy laptop around, and  

then it comes with its own keyboard & monitor as a bonus.  Old laptops  

that will run DOS/Win 3.11 can often be found for far under $100 at  

used computer shops.  They're ancient and the shop doesn't want them.   

Often it will cost the shop more to pay to recycle/dispose of them  

properly, than to give them away to you, if you find the right junk  


> I have a USB to Db-9, RS-232c adapter w/ a cd software. If I could  

> get a

> Windows AT program to work with XP.

A cheap old laptop loaded with DOS/Win 3.11/Win 98/whatever you  

need... multiple boot it with multiple partitions if you like even,  

that you set aside JUST for programming old radios.  A bonus would be  

to find a "twin" for it and image the hard drive, and have a spare.




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